Cervical Cancer is the leading cancer that affects a feminine reproductive system. It is highly associated to a sexually transmitted infection called human papillomavirus (HPV). Various strains of this infection play a huge role in the occurrence of cervical cancer. The HPV virus is usually contained by the woman's immune system and does not easily cause harm. This is not the case in all women since in some the virus is able to withstand and start converting some normal cervical cells to cancer cells. The cervix which links the vagina and the uterus of a woman starts to develop atypical cells on its superficial layer also called the cervical dysplagia. When it is left untreated it spreads to other cells of the cervix. This is usually the beginning of a well dreaded disease by many. On a brighter note it is important to note that one can have a pap smear done and get vaccinated against cervical cancer.
There are several factors that increase chances of getting cervical cancer. Since HVP is sexually transmitted, most of these factors are sexual related and include having multiple sexual partners, having a partner with multiple partners, having sex at an early age and HIV/AIDs. Some nonsexual factors include smoking and taking some medications.
Early cervical cancer has no visible or describable symptoms but as it grows, one starts to note some observable symptoms. One of the major one includes abnormal bleeding. This abnormal bleeding may manifest itself in many different forms which include bleeding which occurs in between an ordinary menstrual cycle, bleeding after a sexual encounter, a pelvic examination or douching. It may also manifest itself in extremely long and very heavy menstrual cycle- heavier than a normal heavy bleeding. One may also experience menstrual-like bleeding when they have cervical cancer. Abnormal bleeding is its most recognizable symptoms and one should always consult a medical doctor as soon as one notices something abnormal about their bleeding.
Apart from abnormal bleeding, there are other possible ways that it may manifest itself which include increased virginal discharge and pain during intercourse and pain in the pelvic part of the body.
In its earlier stages, it can be treated through several methods. One who has symptoms of this form of cancer should see a medical professional for a pap smear or HPV test and other advanced tests will be done which includes coloscopsy and biopsy. The best way to control this disease is prevention. This means that ever woman should have a pap smear done within the first two years of sexual activity and should not wait later than 21 years of age. There are different methods of treating this cancer which include vaccination against HPV, LEEP process where electrical current is used in the elimination of abnormal cancerous cells or even cryosurgery which involves killing cancerous cells by freezing them. It is important that when you get any manifestations that are similar or close the above mentioned cervical cancer symptoms you should go to a qualified medical professional for instructions.
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